Understanding by Design®
Learning Institute

About the Institute

Students succeed when educators start with the end goal in mind. This backward design approach allows educators to create deliberate and focused unit design choice, laying the foundation for Grant Wiggins’ and Jay McTighe’s internationally respected and widely applied Understanding by Design® curriculum-planning framework.

PLUS Institutes from Eduplanet21

About Jay McTighe

An experienced educator and noted author, Jay McTighe provides consulting services to schools, districts, regional service agencies and state departments of education. Co-author of the award-winning and best-selling Understanding by Design (UbD) series, Jay is dedicated to providing participants with a dynamic and powerful social learning experience with his UbD Institute.

Jay McTighe

Learning Paths in the Understanding by Design Institute:

The first six Learning Paths in this institute are designed for educators who are beginning their study of backwards design. They explore the concept of backwards curriculum design and teaching for understanding and transfer. The approach allows and encourages participants to build a unit as they progress through the institute.

Three additional Learning Paths are designed for educators who have studied and implemented backwards design, and explore the review and revision of Units by each Stage. Participants are encouraged to review and revise a unit while engaging in these titles.

For clients using Eduplanet21’s Curriculum Management tool, platform connections are made throughout the institute.


UbD 1: The Big Ideas of Understanding by Design

In UbD 1 participants will identify and explore the three stages of Understanding by Design®, explore the concept of backward curriculum design, and teaching for understanding and transfer.  

3.5 hours


UbD 2 - Stage 1: Learning Goals and Understandings

In UbD2, participants will explore the different types of learning goals, established goals and transfer goals, and understandings. Participants will also discover the relationship between understandings and long-term transfer goals.

3 hours


UbD 3 - Stage 1: Essential Questions, Knowledge & Skills

In UbD 3, participants learn about the role and development of Essential Questions (EQs) and how they fit into the context of curriculum development. Participants will also distinguish between, and identify, knowledge and skills—what students should know and be able to do.

2 hours


UbD 4 - Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

In UbD 4, participants will learn how to “think like an assessor.” Participants will become better equipped to plan curriculum and assessments and learn how to determine what evidence is needed to assess if students have achieved the desired results targeted in Stage 1.

2 hours


UbD 5 - Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

In UbD 5, participants will explore the key ideas of Stage 2 – Performance Tasks, to become better equipped to plan assessments within the UbD framework. 

1 hour


UbD 6 - Stage 3: The Learning Plan

Stage 3 is where teachers determine the sequence of learning activities, decide on the appropriate resources, and consider what differentiation might be needed to address differences in student knowledge and skill levels. In UbD 6, participants will learn to develop the specific lessons for their units.

2 hours


UbD 7 - Unit Review: Stage 1

In UbD 7, Jay McTighe will guide participants through a process for reviewing Stage 1 of their units and the units of their colleagues. Participants will learn best practices for reviewing and editing as well as applying best practices to Stage 1 Units.

2 hours


UbD 8 - Unit Review: Stage 2

In UbD 8, Jay McTighe will guide participants through a process for reviewing Stage 2 of their units and the units of their colleagues. Participants will learn best practices for reviewing and editing as well as applying best practices to Stage 2 Units. 

2 hours


UbD 9 - Unit Review: Stage 3

In UbD 9, Jay McTighe will guide participants through a process for reviewing Stage 3 of their units and the units of their colleagues. Participants will learn best practices for reviewing and editing as well as applying best practices to Stage 3 Units.

2 hours


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