PLUS Professional
Learning Institutes
What is a "PLUS Professional Learning Institute"?
An Eduplanet21 PLUS Professional Learning Institute is a self-paced, online course developed with experts in education. Each institute consists of learning paths, global and local opportunities for networking, and interactive resource libraries that can include department, school, and district-specific resources.
Integrated directly into our curriculum management platform, PLUS Professional Learning Institutes make it easy to apply what you learn right into the curriculum you’re developing.

How are they used?
Eduplanet21’s PLUS Professional Learning Institutes are designed to be used in various asynchronous and hybrid professional learning environments to meet the needs of schools and districts.
All institutes can be customized to turn activities off or on and add content specific to each department, school, or district. Most commonly, we see the Institutes used as turnkey asynchronous learning or PLC opportunities based on subjects or grade levels.

Our Institutes:
Understanding by Design®
Students succeed when educators start with the end goal in mind. This backward design approach allows educators to create deliberate and focused unit design choices, laying the foundation for Grant Wiggins’ and Jay McTighe’s internationally respected and widely applied Understanding by Design® curriculum-planning framework.

Habits of Mind
Habits of Mind are the attitudes and dispositions that help students become better thinkers and problem solvers who know what to do when the answers are not immediately apparent. Art Costa and Bena Kallick propose 16 habits (such as Listening with Understanding and Empathy or Persisting) that, when engaged, can build student success in the classroom, in the workplace, and life.

Differentiation in the Classroom
Together with Carol Ann Tomlinson, participants will explore differentiated instruction by focusing on five key elements: learning environment, curriculum, assessment, instruction and leadership, and management of the differentiated classroom. Participants will think about why differentiation is important and come to better understand what differentiation is.

Curriculum Storyboards
Coming Soon!